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They were at the Helm
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Old Boys Union
Scholarship Scheme
Colombo Branch of the Holy Cross College OBU launched a scholarship scheme for the needy students of the College in the GCE ( Ordinary Level ) and GCE ( Advance Level ) in May 2001. Scholarships to the value of Rs.6,000/- per annum were granted to five students selected by a committee consisting of Rev.Bro.Director, A member of the Staff, Two committee members from OBU Kalutara and One committee member from OBU Colombo. The disbursements are being done on a monthly basis (Rs.500/- a month per student) through Bro. Director and appropriate receipts obtained from the students.

Some of the committee members of OBU Colombo made the original donations to start the Scholarship Fund. The Committee is keen to ensure continuity of this scheme and also increase the number of scholarships if sufficient finances are available in the Fund. Prospective donors could sponsor a student for one year by contributing a sum of Rs.6000/- and continue to do so annually if they wish. In the alternative they could donate a lump sum to the Scholarship Fund.

Cheques should be drawn in favour of “HCC Kalutara Scholarship Fund” crossed account payee and mailed to Mr. Clarence Seimon, Secretary HCC OBU Colombo, 1630/6B, Cotta Road, Rajagiriya. Funds could also be remitted to “HCC Kalutara Scholarship Fund” account number 3601200558 at Seylan Bank, Kalutara under advice to the Secretary. A formal receipt would be issued for all donations. Let us join hands and support this worthy project which no doubt will produce useful citizens for the future.

Old Boys Directory
For the first time in the history of the OBU, a Directory of Old Boys was prepared and the first copy is being presented to His Grace Rt. Rev. Dr. Nicholas Marcus Fernando, the Archbishop of Colombo on 14th September 2001. Copies of the subscribers were sent through registered post. We know that there are many old boys who were not aware of this publication. Please contact Project Chairman Mr. Marius Ferdinandis of HCC OBU Colombo Branch at the following address and provide your details for our next update.
Mr. Marius Ferdinandis, 49, STF Training Camp Road, Nagoda, Kalutara.                      TEL. 034 22414
Felicitation of Present and Past Teachers of Holy Cross College
A felicitation of present and past teachers is being planned. It will probably be held in the latter part of October. Please await further details in the Web Page. This is a joint project between Kalutara and Colombo Branch of the OBU.