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A Glimpse of the Past
Old Boys Union
Old Boys Union
Although the College was in existence since 1902, a Past Students Association was formed in 1929. It was named so, as Holy Cross College was open for both boys and girls at that time. The beginning of this Association was the happy result of a casual conversation that some of the old past students had with one another, who were later joined by few others. They informed the then Principal Rev. Fr. C V Croos who accepted the idea very enthusiastically and promised to do what ever he could. Through the medium of the daily newspapers, he invited all past students for the inaugural meeting fixed for the 23rd of November 1929. At this meeting it was unanimously resolved to call it “Holy Cross College Past Students Association”, and the following were elected as office bearers of the first Committee of the HCC Past Students Association.

Patron: His Grace the Archbishop of Colombo President: The Principal of the College Secretaries: Miss W M Goonetilleke & Mr. D G F Walter Treasurers: Miss C Samarasinghe & Mr. M W H Silva Committee Members: The Head Master & The Head Mistress of the College, Dr. C D M Madappuli, Dr Frank Perera, Messrs: D C Bertus, W F B Perera, J B de Fonseka, K E Dalpatadu, A V Fernando, S T Motha, M K Albert, S M Bahudeen, H D Felix Constantine, W P Seneviratne, B L Perera, Vences Gunaratne, W A Jayasinghe, B B Perera, K C L W Perera, T M M Perera, S D Bernard, V L Wijemanne, S D J Arsecularatne, Vincent Caldera, Mrs. Francis de Fonseka, Miss Mary Corera, Miss Gertrude Cooray, Mrs L Schubert, Miss L O Orr and Miss G Perera

In 1935 the College was bifurcated as Holy Cross College for boys and Holy Family Convent for Girls. This was done to accommodate the growing demand for admissions to the College. General Meetings of the Association have been held regularly and at one of these meetings the name had been changed as “Holy Cross College Old Boys Union”. Although it is not feasible to give details of all these meetings, mention has to be made of one extra ordinary meeting – the most momentous of them all – held on a day in 1960, when in a grand massive show of solidarity and intense loyalty to the Alma Mater, the meeting protested against the vesting of the schools in the State and with one resounding unanimous vote decided to keep the College as a Private School, as it has been since its inception. The then Principal and Ex-officio President of the Old Boys Union, Rev. Fr. Theodore Peiris, presided over the meeting which was attended by a vast concourse of people. Past students in unprecedented numbers and parents of students who came on invitation.

Marist Brothers were requested to take over the Management of Holy Cross College in 1978. Thus one era ended and another began. It is fit and proper to pay a tribute to the Priests of the Arch Diocese for all the good they have done to the people of the district of Kalutara through the medium of Holy Cross College.

Rev. Bro. Francis Silva became the fist Principal under the new Management. Sensing the importance of a vibrant Old Boys Union, he supported the activities of the OBU, which led to the formation of the Colombo Branch of the OBU in 1985. Mr. Joe Perera was the first President followed by Messrs Maurice de Silva, Anton Fernando, Dr. Joe Fernando and Mr. Dehan Seneviratne. A formal constitution for the Colombo Branch was adopted in 1992.We are confident that more past students in Sri Lanka and abroad would join the OBU and support the Alma Mater through the medium of the OBU.

Office Bearers of Holy Cross College Old Boys Union - 2000 / 2001
Rev. Bro. Lal Fonseka
Vice Presidents
Mr. Burney Wijesuriya
Mr. Dominic Cooray
Mr. Oliver Weerasena
Mr. Sam Sirimanna
Mr. Terence Silva
Mr. Tesman Maloney
Asst. Secretaries
Mr.Ruwan Emmanuel
Mr. Sujeewa Fernando
Mr. Sujith Cooray
Asst. Treasurer
Mr. George Weerasinghe
Committee Members

Mr. Azly Siddique, Mr. Saman Ruparathne,
Mr. Janaka Gunawardena, Mr. Sunanda Sagara, Mr. Janith Abeyratne, Mr. Terence Wimalasuriya, Mr. Jeevana Fernando, Mr. Tissa Silva, Mr. Nihal Cooray, Mr. Victor Andradi, Mr. Prasantha Perera, Mr. Vincent Alvares, Mr. Ranoj Dheeraratne

Mr. Azly Siddique, Mr. Saman Ruparathne, Mr. Janaka Gunawardena, Mr. Sunanda Sagara, Mr. Janith Abeyratne, Mr. Sunanda Sagara, Mr. Jeevana Fernando, Mr. Terence Wimalasuriya, Mr. Nihal Cooray, Mr. Tissa Silva, Mr. Prasantha Perera, Mr. Victor Andradi, Mr. Ranoj Dheeraratne, Mr. Vincent Alvares

CORRESPONDENCE TO: Mr. Tesman Meloney,226/8,Janatha Mawatha,Nagoda, Kalutara, Sri Lanka.
TEL. ++ 94 1 565568 FAX. ++ 075337552  E Mail. tesmanm@pabnk.lk

Office Bearers of Holy Cross College OB Union Colombo Branch - 2001 / 2002
Mr. Dehan Seneviratne
Vice President
Mr. Eardley Perera
Mr. Joe Perera
Secretary / Treasurer
Mr Clarence Seimon
Committee Members
Mr. Anton Fernando , Dr. Joe Fernando, Mr. Aruna Fernando, Mr. Marius Ferdinandis, Mr. Benildus Perera, Mr. Tony de Zilva, Mr. Dunstan Fernando, Mr. Vasantha Gomez, Mr. Ivan de Almeida, Mr. Wicky Wahalatantri

CORRESPONDENCE TO: Mr. Clarence Seimon, 1630/6B, Cotta Road, Rajagiriya, Sri Lanka.
TEL. ++ 94 1 865963 FAX. ++ 94 1 869567 E Mail. http://www.holycross.8m.net/cgi-bin/framed/2531/mailto